The Best Engaged Rings for Men

Being a man, the capacity to maintain a meaningful relationship is something that society has praised you for from childhood. The idea being, as soon as you’re strong enough to pick up and run off with another girl, you’re old enough to be trusted with a girlfriend. But what happens when your first girlfriend gets tired of your endless chasing or your second girlfriend wants nothing more than a quiet life of studying and volunteering? What if all of the girls in school keep trying to get your attention at once and you can’t even narrow it down to just one? For many men, these are questions that face them as they grow up: Do I want to be with just one woman my entire life or do I want more? If a woman is good for me, should I pursue her until she’s satisfied? Even now, after years of marriage and two kids, my best friends list still consists of women. It’s not because I don’t want more; it’s the opposite. Being around other women makes me happy. The challenge for me is knowing which relationships are going to be meaningful and which ones will end in heartbreak.

What makes a great relationship?

The best relationships are those where there is equality. Everyone has a role to play and everyone is treated as if they have something to offer. This means having clear expectations from the other person and being willing to put in the work to make it happen. For a relationship to work, both people need to be on the same page. They need to know where the other person stands and what the other person expects of them. This can be particularly tricky in a same-sex relationship.

Why do men seek out relationships?

Many people ask me why guys go for relationships. There are a number of reasons, many of which are tied to the same old themes of self-esteem, confidence and chasing after girls.

Self-esteem: Men’s self-esteem is one of the most important issues for a couple to tackle. When a man doesn’t feel good about himself, it can lead to a lot of other issues — poor grades, bad habits, an unhappy marriage. With a little work, confidence can come back into his life and his relationship with himself can get back on track.

Chasing after girls: It’s very easy to feel stuck in a relationship with someone you love. This can make a man feel as if he never has the opportunity to pursuit and catch a new girl. When he has the freedom to go after what he wants, he’s more likely to be successful.

Don’t settle for less than you want in a relationship

This one is pretty important! You don’t have to settle for less than anyone in a relationship, but you should be open to trying to improve your situation. If one person in a relationship is getting a megaphone-volume-out-of-our-earths-when-we-hardly-need-them voice from the other, that’s a red flag. The person with the megaphone is probably holding you back from having the relationship you want.

What makes a relationship last?

Last but not least, the most important thing is to keep at it. Whether it’s talking to each other every day, having regular meals out or walking to the shops together, don’t just settle for anything less than you want in a relationship. Be patient as the other person grows tired of chasing you or being with you.

Bottom line

Relationships are a work in progress. Don’t settle for anything less than the best. Don’t settle for anything less than being treated with respect and love. And most of all, don’t settle for anything less than having your heartbroken again and again by gorgeous, sweet and smart women. The only way to truly love is to fully commit to someone.



Building a relationship

Getting to know each other

Tending the relationship

After the relationship ends


You know you’ve gone from loves to lumps in a heartbreak when the first thing you do is smooth out your hair. At the very least, you should try to minimize the amount of emotional damage you’re doing to yourself by examining the root causes of your relationship problems and fixing them before you start dating again. What might have gone wrong the first time you were in a relationship? Beginnings.


Your first step towards commitment is to know what you want out of a relationship. This may seem obvious, but so many people don’t know where to start. Commitment is a two-way street — you also need to be committed to the person you’re dating. When you know what you want out of a relationship and you’re willing to put in the work to get it,commitment becomes something that feels natural.

Building a relationship

Now that you know what you want out of a relationship, the next step is to find a partner who wants the same thing out of life. You can start this search by looking inside yourself. Are you happy in your present relationship? Are you confident that you and your partner will be good for each other for the rest of your lives? If the answer is no, then you and your partner can begin the process of building a relationship.

Getting to know each other

The next step is to get to know each other better. This could mean having dinner with your new partner or going to a movie or museum date. You can also take the next step and start spending time with your partner’s family. Spend time with your partner’s friends if you want to, but spend time with your new friends as well.

Tending the relationship

Once you have a better understanding of each other and you both trust that you can handle the relationship on your own, you can start looking for a partner. This could be a friend or a co-worker, someone you’ve just met or someone you’ve been dating for a while.

After the relationship ends

The last step is to focus on the now. Don’t let your past relationships define who you are or make you feel as if you’re not good enough or worthy of having a relationship. You are worthy of love. And you deserve to be happy.


What starts as a spark in your heart and an attraction to one another can develop into a lifelong relationship.


Having a relationship is beautiful and powerful. But, it can also be chaotic and overwhelming. You need to remember to have fun while in a relationship. You need to take risks. You need to be vulnerable. And most importantly, you need to be committed to one another.

Building a relationship

People often say that building a relationship is the most difficult part of dating. In fact, it’s one of the most important. Because once you have found someone special, the rest is easy.

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